Thursday, March 16, 2006

Third time's the charm...

Several years ago my friend Ross Mayfield, who is now the CEO of Socialtext, started a blog. He called me up and said that I should start one as well, so I did. I kept it up for a few weeks and was even invited to the AlwaysOn conference as a blogger (the number of bloggers was fewer then, Technorati did not exist, and a new alternative to traditional media was marveled at). I started to blog out of curiousity then, but was caught up in running Quantum Art, and this exercise in thought leadership ended just as abruptly as it started.

My second attempt at blogging came a year later, when I was preparing for lectures at Universita Cattolica. I wanted to create an interactive environment for students, a kind of interactive classrom, but once the lectures were over the effort once again subsided.

This time, fingers crossed, I will not drop the effort.

There will be several facets to this blog, including information on web technologies, start ups, cultural anthropology, poetics, and whatever else may be appropriate. I'll try to publish often, time permitting, of course, and welcome everyone's comments.